Studio Bratøi v triku | Studio of the puppet film | The J. A. Komensky Studio | Studio HaD | Studio Kunc
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The Jiøí Trnka studio owns:

complete technical equipment for 35 mm film technology with the possibility of transcript to any non-film mediums.

For the purpose of shooting, these are used:

20 special effects cameras
2 large studios - 160 m2
middle-size studio 108 m2
3 small studios - 50 m2
2 mini studios - 35 m2

For puppet and space animations:

7 studios for vertical shooting
equipment for front and back projections
lighting and building equipment
workshops for processing wood, metals and plastic substances
workshop for the casting of elastic substances
wigmaking workshop
cutting room
painting studios
electro and camera services

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© KRATKÝ FILM PRAHA, a.s. 2005