Studio Bratři v triku | Studio of the puppet film | The J. A. Komensky Studio | Studio HaD | Studio Kunc
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The Jan Amos Komensky Studio was founded in 1995 and since it came into existence it has tried to create educational programs in particular.

One of the first projects which was carried out by the studio concerned information on the EU. "Why EU?!". In 1996 and 1997 the studio processed, for The Ministry of foreign affair of the CR, four 30-minute video programs - "A run on a long track (intermediate time - the first 50 years)"; "Czechs and Europe" ; "Institutions"; "Four freedoms (on the common internal market) " . The mentioned programs were intended especially for secondary schools as well as to give information to the public about the problems of the EU.

In 1998 the studio prepared and shot the Czech commentary to the set of three video programs "The community court agenda and the national judge " (The national judge and the community law, Prejudicial proceedings, Presentation of the European judicial court) for the Institute of The Ministry of justice.

Based on the approved projects "Popularization of science" a "Calendarium scholae" by The Ministry of School, the young and physical education of the CR between 1999 to 2003, a total of 24 video programs intended especially for schools were made, but some of them could be seen on The Czech TV. The most interesting titles include: "Czech physicists in the European laboratory CERN", "Protection of the environment in the basin of Divoká a Tichá Orlice", "The last complete eclipse of the Sun in the second millenium", "Adventures of archeology", "Performance lasers", "Biological clock", "Polymers around us", "Function of swamps in the environment", "Stress " (animated film), "Pain" (animated film). In creating these programs the studio usually cooperates with experts from institutes of the Academy of sciences of the CR and universities. Video programs make pupils and students familiar with current scientific discoveries, and by doing so, they may motivate them to study these fields.

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© KRATKÝ FILM PRAHA, a.s. 2005