Studio Bratři v triku | Studio of the puppet film | The J. A. Komensky Studio | Studio HaD | Studio Kunc
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This specialized workplace has participated, since the mid 80œ, in the presentation of activities of the company at exhibitions as well as at cultural and social events both in the Czech Republic and abroad in the average range of eight major events each year. For the purposes of this, it uses its own sources, systematically expanded collections of original puppets, properties and complete stage designs used in famous Czech puppet films. On the occasion of exhibitions it coordinates a complete presentation of works by foremost artists (including lifeœ works), who have cooperated with KRÁTKÝM FILMEM PRAHA since it came into existence. In the past years The Czech exhibition of puppets at UNESCO Palace in Paris has earned a great success.

It is currently cooperating with the Czech TV in the production of a serial Masters of the animated film moderated by a popular actor Miroslav Táborský. The aim of the serial is to gradually and completely map out the works of significant Czech creators of both puppet and animated films.