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In 1999 and 2000 the studio prepared in coproduction with a public benefit company Prague - European city of culture of 2000 a two-part video program with animated and feature sequences "Prague - a thousand years " in Czech and foreign language versions. The Poetically alluded thousand year journey Of Prague is intended for all viewers in the CR as well as abroad. The Program was subsequently shown for several years in the multiplex Palace Cinemas Slovanský dům in the hall with the only large digital projector DLP-Cinema in the CR.

In 2003 the studio made, within the project "Schola ludus" ,interactive CD-ROM "Weather and climate" and in 2004 interactive DVD-ROM "On manuscripts and book printing ". Both interactive programs were created in cooperation with The F.X.Šaldy secondary school in Liberec for The Ministry of School, the young and physical education and are intended for schools.

In 2004 the studio shot in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) c.12 hours of an original material, which concerns mostly the making of ponds (the so-called. Finger ponds) at Victoria lake and at the Rufiji river, but also the many problems of fish farming. Based on the shot materials, we are processing two documentary programs intended for both African and Czech experts.

In 2006 the whole culture world will commemorate 250 years of W. A. Mozartś birth, whose works and life experiences are inherently connected with Prague as well. The exceptional role of Prague in the life of W. A. Mozart is proved by his statement: "My orchestra is in Prague." and therefore in May 2005 we started to prepare half-feature documentary "Mozart and the Czech lands ". In 2005 we are beginning, as partners, to fulfill the project "Open science", whose aim is to contribute to improving the quality of the educating of teachers at secondary schools in the fileds of natural science and technology and to offer talented students study trips to scientific workplaces. The main partner of the project is The Academy of sciences of the CR and the partners of the project are The Faculty of Natural Science, Charles University, Faculty of electrical engineering, ČVUT, The Czech association for biochemistry and molecular biology and Krátký Film Praha a.s. This project is supported with the funds of ESF.

© KRATKÝ FILM PRAHA, a.s. 2005