Studio Bratøi v triku | Studio of the puppet film | The J. A. Komensky Studio | Studio HaD | Studio Kunc
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Those who work in the Studio are: experts in the field of animated works, animators, cameramen, editors, phase-animators, puppeteers, modelmakers, reproduction artists, painters, wardrobe mistresses, wigmakers, mechanics, lighting technicians, property men and architects.

Foremost Czech and foreign directors, artists, scriptwriters as well as musical composers cooperate with the Studio of the puppet film. The studio is sought out by clients from France, Great Britain, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Canada, Holland, Japan etc.

One of the recently made films in the Studio of the puppet film is the full-length puppet film Fimfárum, based on five fairytales from the book which has the same name, by Jan Werich, or well-known commercials, the chocolate town for Orion or the animated parrot for the producer of the Relax fruit drinks.

To order placed by The Ministry of culture of the CR, a short film was created here for the Czech house at the exhibition EXPO 2005 in the Japanese Aichi . Some of the foreign productions in the last years have been fairytales such as Tyrant and a child, the Enchanted lion and King March. The studio has also successfully participated in the reconstruction of historic puppet theatre from the 30œ of the last century for the Swiss Musée Morice Lipsi.

Currently the shooting of the second sequel to Werichœ fairytales called Fimfárum 2 is in progress in the ateliers of the Studio of the puppet film.
© KRATKÝ FILM PRAHA, a.s. 2005