The Wet Fairy-tale Open this page in a new window for printing

Mokra pohadka

10 minutes, 35 mm, colour, 1976
Classical cartoon animation
Audience: children
Commentary: none

Producer: KF a.s. - Studio Bratri v triku
Director: Bozena Mozisova
Designer: Jolanta Lyskova

A charming adventure of a little water drop that was travelling on water, ground and as a cloud across the sky and in the end it got back to the ground to its pool. The life-giving cycle of water is described with poesy and wit.

Awards: The critic's diploma - Teheran 1976; "Silver Tin Soldier" - Odense 1977

All films directed by Bozena Mozisova:
About the Tomcat Named "Miaow"Biology in a TopperDorothy and ClocksDorothy and the ABCDorothy and the KiteDorothy and the Little FlameDorothy and the MagpieDorothy and the OstrichDorothy and the ParrotDorothy and the SingerDorothy and the StarDorothy and the WitchThe MedicineThe Wet Fairy-tale

All films designed by Jolanta Lyskova:
The Wet Fairy-tale