Dorothy and the Singer Open this page in a new window for printing

Dorotka a zpevak

8 minutes, 35 mm, colour, 1972
Classical cartoon animation
Audience: children
Commentary: none

Producer: KF a.s. - Studio Bratri v triku
Director: Bozena Mozisova
Designer: Jiri Kalousek

The tenth and last episode of this children cartoon series about Dorothy and her friend Koko, the parrot. Dorothy falls in love with the voice of Karel Gott whose records she listens to all the time. The parrot is jealous and so he does a lot of malicious things to prevent her from listening. However, when the record gets broken and Koko sees Dorothy in tears he decides to imitate her favourite singer himself.

All films of the series Dorothy:
Dorothy and ClocksDorothy and the ABCDorothy and the KiteDorothy and the Little FlameDorothy and the MagpieDorothy and the OstrichDorothy and the ParrotDorothy and the SingerDorothy and the StarDorothy and the Witch

All films directed by Bozena Mozisova:
About the Tomcat Named "Miaow"Biology in a TopperDorothy and ClocksDorothy and the ABCDorothy and the KiteDorothy and the Little FlameDorothy and the MagpieDorothy and the OstrichDorothy and the ParrotDorothy and the SingerDorothy and the StarDorothy and the WitchThe MedicineThe Wet Fairy-tale

All films designed by Jiri Kalousek:
Dorothy and ClocksDorothy and the ABCDorothy and the KiteDorothy and the Little FlameDorothy and the MagpieDorothy and the OstrichDorothy and the ParrotDorothy and the SingerDorothy and the StarDorothy and the WitchMusician's SongQuotations