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The film library of KRÁTKÝ FILM PRAHA a. s. has gathered, since 1945, more than 50 000 titles of its own production / 35 mm/ with the total length exceeding 1,7 million meters, i.a. animated, cartoon and puppet films including the famous films of Jiří Trnka, Jan Švankmajer, Karel Zeman; full-length as well as short films of its own production etc.

The film news of the film archives of KRÁTKÝ FILM PRAHA from 1945 until the termination of production of film journals in 1990: the first one of these materials captures the liberation of Czechoslovakia, the last visit of the American president Bush to Prague in December 1990. An important part of the film archives is also annals, documentary and news materials, shot between 1956 - 1992. These have not been released yet.

A series of other programs, shot after 1990 are typically produced by video technology in the PAL system.

Apart from its own production there are stored materials in the Film archives acquired through exchange with foreign partners between 1946 - 1990 in the range of c. 40 000 scenes, i.e. c. 2,6 million meters of film / 35 mm /. Currently a gradual digitalization of all film archives is in progress . Its purpose is to preserve them for future generations and to make them compatible with new types of media, Internet, DVD and DVB. Even today it is possible to see some of our archived films by means of the Internet pages of our partner,The Isifa company.

For institutions as well as for members of the public, we have prepared the possibility of acquiring the selected documentaries and archived films on DVD-Video mediums.
© KRATKÝ FILM PRAHA, a.s. 2005