The Medicine


8 minutes, 35 mm, colour, 1970
Classical cartoon animation
Audience: children
Commentary: none

Producer: KF a.s. - Studio Bratri v triku
Director: Bozena Mozisova
Designer: Jan Brychta

A humorous adventure of two boys who by chance produce a magical medicine that can influence all living and non-living creatures so that they not only look but also act better.

All films directed by Bozena Mozisova:
About the Tomcat Named "Miaow"Biology in a TopperDorothy and ClocksDorothy and the ABCDorothy and the KiteDorothy and the Little FlameDorothy and the MagpieDorothy and the OstrichDorothy and the ParrotDorothy and the SingerDorothy and the StarDorothy and the WitchThe MedicineThe Wet Fairy-tale

All films designed by Jan Brychta:
Biology in a TopperDo Not Wake Up the MammothsHow To Obtain a Good ChildThe MedicineOtylie and 1580 Blots


© Kratky Film Praha a. s., Krizeneckeho namesti 322, 152 53 Praha 5 - Barrandov, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420-2-67091 154, +420-2-67091 533, Fax: +420-2-67091 202
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