Faces of the Good Soldier Josef Svejk

Podoby Josefa Svejka

15 minutes, 35/16 mm, B/W, 1983
Category: Art
Audience: adults
Commentary: off-screen

Producer: KF a.s.
Director: Bohumil Sobotka

An editorial picture shows the good soldier Josef Svejk from a famous novel by Hasek as portrayed by designers, actors and film and drama authors. However, Svejk has stepped out from Hasek's story. His age-long fight of humane against unhumane has not finished yet.

All films directed by Bohumil Sobotka:
Faces of the Good Soldier Josef SvejkGibraltar


© Kratky Film Praha a. s., Krizeneckeho namesti 322, 152 53 Praha 5 - Barrandov, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420-2-67091 154, +420-2-67091 533, Fax: +420-2-67091 202
E-mail: kfilm@mbox.vol.cz, WWW: www.kratkyfilm.com, www.kratkyfilm.cz